NOTAS: This is my firtst mision, and it is only for acceleration users.It is in spanish, but English version will be developed this weekend. Has been tested for windows XP, and it should work in Vista too. INSTALATION: To install this mission, follow the next three steps: 1: Install the scenery "" that is included inside the "Sceneray" folder in the the zip file. To install the scenery, unzip the "" file into a temporary folder, and place it in your FSX'scenery folder. 2: Install the mission: Run winzip and place the "Almuerzo en HUesca" folder into :..Archivos de programa\Microsoft Games\Flight simulator X\ Missions\ Just for fun\ For english users the default path should be ..\Program files\Microsoft Games\Flight simulator X\ Missions\ Just for fun\ 3: Place the "mallos.rwd",file that is in "rewards"folder, into your FSX's rewards folder. THANKS TO: My wife Veronica for her voices. My brother Arturo ,( "The pilot of the mission ) for his translations. Jose Mari Janices Pamplona's scenery. He says that he don't like it ver much, but I think it's a good job. Thorsten, one of the "Mission developers forum" administrator for his "ultrafast" answers to my doubts and questions. And thansk for all people that loves FSX' amazing world. Jose Enrique Ariņo (jeap67) Pamplona,Spain, Febrero de 2009